Titlagarh: Demanding block status to the sub-district and district status to Titlagarh, the locals of Sindhekela village under Bangamunda block in Balangir district observed a 12-hour bandh on Friday. Various organisations supported the strike, which was called by the traders’ association.
All the schools, colleges, banks and offices were closed in Sindhekela. A rally was conducted by the association members and locals in the village. “Our demands include block status to Sindhekela and district status to Titilagarh. We have been demanding this for the last 25 years,” said a protester. “The bandh was called at the district level. If our demand is not fulfilled, it will be observed at the ward level. We will also break the law,” said another protester.
Normal life was thrown out of gear as all the government and private organisations were closed. Vehicular movement in the village was also