New Delhi: Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor's first-ever short film titled 'Karma', directed by Abhay Chopra, grandson of the legendary BR Chopra was screened at the Bandra Film Festivals YouTube Channel...
New Delhi: Homegrown app Koo has welcomed the Bollywood actress to voice her opinions on their site, following the suspension of her account on Twitter, Hindustan Times reported. Mayank Bidawatka,...
New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut has lost close to three million followers following the permanent suspension of her Twitter account on Tuesday morning. The actress posted a video message on the...
Character actor Bikramjeet Kanwarpal passed away due to COVID-19 complications at the age of 52. The retired army officer was a part of many popular films, TV shows and web...
Mumbai: Little known to his fans and the public, actor Ajay Devgn has been working quietly with the BMC to provide emergency medical facilities for people affected with COVID-19. Devgn...
Bollywood celebrities have made a beeline for Maldives ever since the second wave of coronavirus engulfed India. Social media is full of holidaying celebrities posing in beachwear. Needless to say,...
Music composer Shravan Rathod of Nadeem-Shravan fame joined the long list of Bollywood celebrities who succumbed to COVID-19 since last March 2020. Here are others from the film industry who...
New Delhi: TV and film actor Amit Mistry died on Friday morning after suffering a massive cardiac arrest. He was only 47. His sudden death has left his fans and...
Bollywood celebs posting pictures of chilling out abroad (read Maldives) has not gone down well on social media. They are being criticised for being insensitive, holidaying in a foreign land...
Mumbai: Vanity vans from the sets of Bollywood films are being diverted to the Mumbai Police. About half a dozen vanity are now in service of the cops who are...