COVID-19: Odisha Fatality Rate Lowest In Country, Says CS

Bhubaneswar: The State Government on Tuesday said Odisha has fared better than most states in tackling the COVID-19 by registering lowest fatality rate of 0.46 per cent in the country compared to national rate of 2.86 per cent.

Similarly, Odisha has 33 COVID-19 cases per million against 108 cases at national level, said Chief Secretary Ajit Kumar Tripathy in a press briefing. While 2,861 persons were tested per million in the State, the national figure is 2,360, he added.

The Chief Secretary said 1,53,738 migrant workers have returned to Odisha from other states by 109 special trains so far. Around 80,000 migrants have shifted from quarantine centres to home quarantine.

Stating that only 30 per cent of available quarantine facilities have been utilised so far, he said the state is ready to accommodate more returnees.

Besides the guidelines of Indian Council of Medical Research for testing symptomatic and high risk contacts of COVID19 cases, Odisha is testing vulnerable sections of society like people over 60 years, children of less than 5 years and pregnant women in temporary medical centres

The Chief Secretary also said doubling rate of COVID-19 in the state has improved to 11.05 days.

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