Jagatsinghpur: Five days after he was apprehended while allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 80,000, the Odisha Vigilance on Wednesday informed about having traced Rs 76 lakh of gold jewellery and cash belonging to CT and GST Officer, Enforcement Unit- Paradip, Chittaranjan Mohanty and his wife.
Cash and gold biscuits worth Rs 26 lakh were recovered from two lockers at Bank of Maharashtra and Punjab and Sind Bank in CDA, Cuttack.
1) 1.060 kg gold jewellery, including 19 gold biscuits of 24 carat weighing 433 gm (market price of 19 gold biscuits about Rs 26 lakh) was recovered from 2 lockers of Mohanty and his spouse. Total gold weighing 1.135 kg, including 1.060 kg from the lockers, worth Rs 64 lakh have been unearthed so far.
2) Rs 5.4 lakh in cash from locker at Bank of Maharashtra. Total cash Rs 6.59 lakh recovered so far which includes Rs 1 lakh from his office almirah.
3) Bank and insurance deposits and investment in mutual funds worth over Rs 1.04 crore.
4) A double-storey building at CDA, Cuttack worth over Rs 70 lakh.
5) A 4-wheeler (KIA Seltos) worth Rs 15 lakh
6) A 2-wheeler (Activa)
7) Household articles worth Rs.11.30 lakh
On March 31, Mohanty was trapped and arrested for allegedly accepting Rs 80,000 bribe from a complainant to furnish closure report of CT&GST case instituted against him. He has been remanded to jail custody till April 13.