New Delhi: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday met Bollywood superstar Salman Khan days after two men opened fire outside the latter’s residence in Mumbai Bandra. Shinde met Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan at their house in Galaxy Apartments and assured the family of safety.
Shinde also said the government will beef up the security cover provided to Salman Khan and his family. Assuring Salman Khan’s safety, the Chief Minister said that his government would not tolerate any underworld gang activities in the state.
Shinde met Salman Khan hours after Mumbai Police arrested two people who opened fire outside the Bollywood actor’s house in Bandra on Sunday morning. The accused, identified as Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21), were arrested from a village in Gujarat’s Kutch district. Both the accused are natives of West Champaran in Bihar and have admitted to the crime. Mumbai Police, after an initial investigation, revealed that Sagar and Vicky were hired by the gang of incarcerated gangster Lawrence Bishnoi to open fire at Khan’s house.
Mumbai Police’s crime branch is investigating the case and has claimed that the two arrested accused opened fire outside Salman Khan’s house “in an attempt to kill him”. While Sagar fired at Khan’s house, Vicky was in touch with the gang members.
Mumbai | Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde met actor Salman Khan at his residence.
(Source: Eknath Shinde office)
— ANI (@ANI) April 16, 2024
“The government is with you, I have told Salman Khan. Both the accused have been arrested. They will be interrogated. We will get to the root of the case. Nobody will be spared. Nobody should targeted this way,” Eknath Shinde told reporters outside the actor’s home, adding, “No gang or gang war will be allowed. We won’t allow this to happen. We will finish (Lawrence) Bishnoi,” NDTV reported.
Earlier, the Chief Minister had spoken to the actor over the phone on the day of the incident. He had also spoken with the Mumbai Police Commissioner and suggested increasing the actor’s security.