New Delhi: As Virat Kohli returned to the Ranji Trophy, there was chaos outside the Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi. In a stampede-like situation outside Gate 16, a couple of fans fell near the entry gate and were left injured. A police bike was damaged and several left behind their shoes, reported the India Today. According to reports, at least three fans were injured in the incident.
On Thursday, Kohli took the field for the first time in the first-class tournament in 12 years. He was playing in a match against Suraj Ahuja’s Railways. Fans flocked the venue in large numbers to catch a glimpse of Kohli playing Ranji Trophy match,
The injured fans were treated by the DDCA security and police. A security guard was also reportedly injured.
Fans had begun queuing outside Gates 16 and 17 as early as 8 am IST. They waited for more than an hour before the gates were unlocked. Another stand, the Bishan Singh Bedi Stand, was also opened to accommodate the spectators.
The Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) had anticipated a turnout of around 10,000—an unprecedented number for a Ranji match. But even that projection fell short due to the fan following of Kohli. The ‘Gautam Gambhir Stand,’ with a capacity of roughly 6,000, was opened first. It was filled up in no time. As the crowd swelled dangerously, officials had no choice but to open the massive 14,000-capacity ‘Bishan Bedi Stand’ to accommodate the overflowing sea of supporters, reported the Business Standard.
The fans jostled to get closer to the entrance. Fans with children raised the kids on their shoulders to avoid suffocation.
A fan breaches security for his idol
There was another surprising moment that defined the madness. In the 12th over, a die-hard fan managed to slip past security. The fan sprint towards Kohli. The fan then fell at the former India captain’s feet and touched them. He was being swiftly dragged away by security personnel.
A pitch invader prostrates in front of Kohli in the slip cordon before the security catches up and yanks him away. #ViratKohli𓃵
— Aditya Iyer (@Iyr_Adi) January 30, 2025