New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday launched the National Automobile Scrappage Policy while virtually addressing the Investor Summit in Gujarat saying it is a “significant milestone” towards Aatmanirbhar Bharat.
“The scrappage policy will provide a new identity to the country’s auto sector. It will play a huge role in removing unfit vehicles from roads, and bring a positive change in all sectors and not just auto sector,” Prime Minister Modi said. The central government, he explained, has taken this step as the country, in the 21st century, needs “clean, congestion-free and convenient mobility.”
Describing it as a “waste-to-wealth mission,” the Prime Minister further remarked that the policy is an important part of the circular economy. “It will reduce pollution from our cities and also reflects the government’s commitment towards rapid development. The policy will bring investments worth more than ₹10,000 crores and, in the process, create employment opportunities for thousands of youngsters,” he said.
Five ways in which the scrappage policy will benefit the common man
- A certificate will be given on scrapping of the old car, which will ensure that an individual does not have to pay registration fees while buying a new car. He will also get a discount in road tax.
- A person will save money on maintenance cost, repair cost and fuel efficiency of the old car.
- It will reduce road accidents and offer protection from effects from pollution, respectively.
- A vehicle will not be scrapped just because it is old. Fitness tests will be conducted at scrappage centres and only after that will it be scrapped, that too, as per scientific methods.