New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Saturday, suggested imposing a two-day lockdown in the city amid worsening air quality. Pulling up the Centre and the state governments while hearing a plea concerning air pollution in Delhi, CJI NV Ramana said, “We have seen how bad the situation is. We are wearing masks even inside our homes.”
The plea was filed in the Supreme Court by 17-year-old Delhi student Aditya Dubey concerning rising levels of air pollution in the city. A special bench of CJI NV Ramana, Justice DY Chandrachud, and Justice Suryakant heard the petition.
“Let me clear. We have nothing to do with which government. Question is how to control burning situation, emergency measures, short term plan on how to control this,” the CJI said.
The CJI said some percentage of contribution is stubble burning, while the rest is pollution in Delhi, particularly crackers, industries, dust, etc. “Take us immediate control measures. If required think of two days lockdown or something, how will people live? Please call for a meeting and take some decision, some emergency measure…You have to look at the issue beyond politics and government,” the CJI said.
Delhi’s historical monuments Red Fort and Jama Masjid shrouded in smog as air quality dips to ‘severe’ category
— ANI (@ANI) November 13, 2021
Justice Chandrachud further raised alarm over children being exposed to pollution as schools reopen in the city.
He said, “You’ve opened up all schools. You’re now witnessing all kids going to school and exposing their lungs to the pollution. Have you responded to the situation? This is under power of the Delhi government.”
Also read: Pollution Menace: Post Diwali, Delhi’s AQI Touches Five-Year High
Also read: India Has 3 Among World’s 10 Most Polluted Cities; Check List