New Delhi: India reported 2,582 fresh Covid cases and 222 recoveries in the last 24 hours, informed the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs on Tuesday. This is a substantial jump from the previous 24 hours (January 1) when only 173 cases were reported.
The number of Covid tests conducted ln the last 24 hours was 1,51,186 which is also a substantial increase from 92,955 tests conducted in the previous 24 hours (January 1).
In India, 45,769 vaccine doses have been administered in the last 24 hours and the recovery rate currently stands at 98.8 percent. As of now, the daily positivity rate stands at 0.09 percent and the weekly positivity rate stands at 0.13 percent.
According to the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs, total recoveries from Covid stand at 4,41,45,667 with a total of 91.12 crore tests having been conducted so far.
Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) bulletin says the overall infection rate is below 500 per day in India. “In the northern part of India, XBB was prevalent, whereas, in the eastern part, BA.2.75 was the prevalent sub-lineage. BA.2.10 and other Omicron sub-lineage frequency was lower last week. However, any increase in disease severity or hospitalisation has not been observed over this period,” it said.