Mumbai: Veteran actor Sameer Khakhar, who rose to fame with his roles in TV shows ‘Nukkad’ and ‘Circus’, breathed his last on Wednesday. He was 71.
Confirming the news of his demise, his brother Ganesh said that the actor died due to multiple organ failure. “He experienced some respiratory issues yesterday morning, we called the doctor and he told us to get him admitted. We took him to hospital & he was admitted to ICU. He then had multiple organ failures & today at 4.30 am he passed away.”
He was admitted to MM Hospital, in Mumbai’s Borivali and his funeral will be held at Babhai Naka crematorium, Borivali, reports said.
Sameer was last seen in the Shahid Kapoor-starrer OTT series ‘Farzi’. He also played vital roles in films, including ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’, ‘Jai Ho’ and ‘Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi’.