Mumbai: Shiv Sena head and Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has been hailed as a ‘Covidologist’ by his party for taking steps that have prevented the state from crossing the “danger level” of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the editorial of the party mouthpiece ‘Saamana’, Thackeray has been described as the “family doctor” of Maharashtra’s 12 crore people.
“Chief Minister Thackeray studied the pandemic in detail and is working hard to bring down the cases. He has (in a way) become a family doctor of the 12 crore people of Maharashtra,” the editorial said.
Referring to him as one chief minister who has studied the COVID-19 crisis in detail, Saamana called him a ‘Covidologist.’
“Thackeray is also instilling courage and strength in the people to fight the COVID-19 by becoming their family doctor. It is the duty of everyone to support him,” the article observed.
Maharashtra reported around 37K coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours – the first time that the daily caseload fell below 40,000 since March 31.
Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi had acknowledged the state’s efforts in tackling and controlling the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic, the editorial pointed out.
Even as spine-chilling photographs of corpses of COVID-19 victims have been published on a regular basis, there are no such images from Maharashtra, the editorial claimed, adding that the credit goes to CM Thackeray.