Bhubaneswar: Mother’s milk is the greatest source of complete nutrition for a newborn which promotes sensory and cognitive development, and protects babies against infectious and chronic diseases.
Nursing a baby within the first hour (the golden hour) is usually recommended as mother’s milk is the sole and excellent source of nutrition for newborn. A child should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months as it strengthens the immune system, said Sushri Sangita Jena, senior clinical nutritionist of SUM Ultimate Medicare (SUMUM) said.
SUMUM’s Dietetics Team celebrated Breastfeeding Week which concluded on August 7 by organising a Lactating Food Exhibition and a quiz competition.
The exhibition was in resonance with this year’s theme of Breastfeeding Week ‘Protect Breastfeeding, A Shared Responsibility.’
“Putting the newborn to a mother’s breast at the earliest after birth is essential. Colostrum or the thick yellow milk secreted for the first two to three days after childbirth is magic potion for the child,” she added.
The colostrum is rich in substances which increases immunity and helps in reducing neonatal mortality, diarrhoea and pneumonia. Mother should continue breastfeeding, even increase the frequency
of feed if the child is suffering from diarrhoea, fever and cold. “The child, if more than six months of age, may not complete the feed at a time due to cough and fever. In such cases, the frequency of feed should be increased,” she said.