New Delhi: Made by Nandita Das and starring Kapil Sharma, Zwigato, earned critical praise when it was released earlier this year. And now, the film’s script has been included in the permanent core collection of the Library of the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Nandita Das co-wrote the film with Samir Patil. Zwigato featured Kapil Sharma and Shahana Goswami in the lead. While it did not fair well at the box office, the film, and its actors received critical praise from fans and critics alike. Ironically, Zwigato has not found an OTT taker.
Nandita Das shared the news of the film including in the Academy library and also mentioned how the film is yet to get a digital release.
She wrote, “I was most surprised and delighted to receive an email from the Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (The Oscars!) about wanting the script of Zwigato for their Permanent Core Collection. It is a happy reminder that the film is relevant and glad we made it. I believe only when stories are authentic and rooted in their contexts, they transcend cultures and borders and become part of world cinema. I am glad that it will be available in the library for students, filmmakers and writers. The overwhelming response that we have got for Zwigato from both audiences and critics has opened unexpected doors such as this. Hope OTT platforms are reading this! I think it’s time to allow the audience to see Zwigato. Thank you Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for this honour!”
Kapil also took to Instagram to thank the Academy. He wrote, “Thank you Academy for this honour. #Gratitude #Oscar.”
Zwigato debuted at the Toronto Worldwide Film Celebration in 2022. It was theatrically released on 17 March 2023. The film revolves around the life of a man who takes up the job of a delivery agent for a food delivery app, Zwigato, after losing his job as a floor manager of a factory due to Covid.