Ganjam: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Sunday inaugurated the first integrated water supply project of the state worth Rs 431 crore, built at Dharakote block’s Janibili in Berhampur.
More than five lakh people in 53 villages of 16 gram panchayats will be benefitted with this project. Water from this reservoir will be treated at a purification plant in Jagadalpur in Kukudahandi block before being supplied to Berhampur city.
The project would supply 300 lakh litres of water on a daily basis through a pipeline network stretching for 232 km.
The Chief Minister also launched the construction of ‘Smart Park’ programme built at a cost of Rs 200 crore in the city. The park will have a separate space for children, safe drinking water, separate toilets, LED lights and seating arrangements.
Naveen also allocated Rs 200 crore under ‘Unnati’ programme, for building and modernising crematoriums in 114 municipal areas across the state.
Naveen also joined the Mission Shakti programme in Khurda district. Thousands of Self Help Groups’ members joined the programme.