Cuttack: The Anubhav Mohanty-Varsha Priyadarshini marital strife took a fresh turn on Wednesday with the actress filing a complaint with Cyber Police in Odisha’s Cuttack city, alleging attempts on social media to tarnish her image and defame her.
Police have registered a case under Sections 509 of the IPC and 67 of the IT Act on basis of the complaint and further investigation is underway, sources said.
The actress had earlier lodged a complaint against Anubhav and his family at Purighat police station accusing them of assassinating her character. She objected to the videos being released on social media by the actor-turned-politician, having “unpalatable statements, which are defamatory in nature and aim at character assassination” even as the matter is sub-judice.
Also Read: Varsha Responds To Anubhav’s Tell-All Videos With Police Complaint
Amid the ongoing court battle for divorce and domestic abuse, Anubhav has released three tell-all videos on his Youtube channel during the last two weeks, elaborating on his marital discord with Varsha and how it has impacted him and his family.
In the last video, the parliamentarian challenged his estranged wife to face medical, forensic and lie detector tests while mentioning a viral audio clip, which allegedly featured a conversation between Varsha and her sisters in which the actress abused Anubhav and his family members.
Also Read: [Watch] ‘Let’s Split Amicably, Honourably’: Anubhav Releases Third Video
Anubhav filed for divorce in the Patiala House Court in New Delhi in July 2020. This was revealed after Varsha filed a case of domestic violence at the Cuttack Sub-divisional Judicial Magistrate (SJDM) court on August 7, 2020, accusing the actor of torturing her physically and mentally.
Notably, the SJDM court concluded the hearing on the domestic violence case on Monday.
Also Read: [Watch] ‘Alternative Accommodation & Income Proof’: SDJM Court Reserve Verdict On Anubhav’s Pleas