Chandigarh: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday claimed that Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi’s nephew Bhupinder Singh received Rs 10 crore for facilitating illegal sand mining and transfer posting of some.
ED had arrested Bhupinder on February 4, with a court sending him to the agency’s custody till February 8.
“During the course of search operation, statements of Kudratdeep Singh, Bhupinder Singh, Santokh Singh (father of Bhupinder Singh) and Sandeep Kumar were recorded, establishing that the seized Rs. 10 Crore belonged to Bhupinder Singh S/o Santokh Singh. Further, Bhupinder Singh accepted that he received the seized cash in lieu of facilitation in sand mining operations and transfer/postings of officials,” ED said in a statement.
Last month, ED had conducted searches at different premises of Providers Overseas Consultants Pvt. Ltd, which it has alleged is involved in illegal sand mining. Bhupinder is one of the directors in the company.
Rs 10 crore in cash was said to be have been recovered during searches preceding his arrest.