Mumbai: Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao has been roped in to play the character of a troubled cop in the Hindi remake of Telugu thriller HIT: The First Case.
Talking on his new role, Rajkummar told Mumbai Mirror, “When I saw HIT, I instantly connected with it. It’s an engaging story, relevant in today’s environment. As an actor, I am always on the lookout to play characters I haven’t explored and HIT gives me a chance to do that. I’m looking forward to taking this journey with Sailesh and Dil Raju.”
Directed by Sailesh Kolanu HIT revolves around the story of a troubled police officer who is tracking a missing woman.
Kolanu is quite excited to direct Rajkummar Rao in his movie and believes that the actor will do justice to the character.
“He is a terrific actor and has managed to surprise us every time with his performances. I am really excited to be working with Rajkummar Rajkummar and Dil Raju sir on this project,” said the director.
“The first case of HIT tells the story of a police officer who is constantly fighting a battle with his past and his present. So, it’s a troubled character. I wanted to cast someone who can bring that darkness to the role and still make the audience root for him with a mature performance. I felt Raj can evoke that kind of a response,” he added.
The remake of HIT is being produced by Dil Raju and Kuldeep Rathore.
The Telugu cop thriller HIT, helmed by Sailesh Kolanu, starred Vishwak Sen and Ruhani Sharma in lead roles and had left cash registers ringing at the box-office.