New Delhi: The Central government on Thursday issued guidelines for random screening of international passengers in the wake of a major spike in COVID-19 cases in China and some other countries.
A letter sent by Union Health secretary Rajesh Bhushan to Rajiv Bansal, Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, 2% of the total passengers in an international flight will have to undergo random post-arrival testing at airports in India.
The travellers to undergo testing will be identified by the concerned airlines and, preferably, be from different countries.
However, the passengers who have to undergo the test won’t have to wait at the airports till the reports are out. They will be allowed to leave the airport after submitting their samples.
If any traveller tests positive for the coronavirus, a copy of the report will be shared with the integrated disease surveillance programme by the concerned testing laboratory and also with the respective state or union territory for follow-up action.
The samples of travellers testing positive will have to be sent for genome testing at the dedicated INSACOG laboratory network.
The guidelines followed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s high-level meeting earlier in the day to review India’s preparedness to tackle any situation related to COVID-19.
Modi noted that COVID-19 is not over yet and cautioned against complacency.
He directed officials to strengthen surveillance measures, especially at the international airports.