Balasore: In a shocking incident, a journalist was chained to his hospital bed and kept under police vigil while undergoing treatment in the District Headquarters Hospital here. The journalist, Lokanath Dalei, works for a local news channel.
Dalei was hospitalised after being allegedly assaulted by IIC of Nilagiri police station where he was reportedly called in connection with a case of abusing and assaulting a Home Guard.
On April 4, Home Guard Niranjan Rana had lodged a complaint at Nilagiri police station alleging that Dalei abused him in filthy language, beat him up and threatened with dire consequences when he was on duty.
Dalei was asked to appear in the police station in connection with the case. The journalist alleged that when he reached the police station, his mobile phone was snatched and he was assaulted following which he fell on the floor and lost consciousness.
He was admitted to the DHH where he was legcuffed to the hospital bed. Dalei claimed that police are taking revenge for some reports where he had exposed them. Dalei claimed that an altercation ensued between him and Rana after their motorcycles collided but, he left the spot without assaulting him.
He has been released from the hospital after the incident was reported on news channels.