New Delhi: Social media influencer and actor Kusha Kapila has dismissed rumours that she’s dating Arjun Kapoor. She recently wrote on her Instagram broadcast channel, “Roz apne baare mein itni bakwas padh kar mujhe apna khud se ek formal introduction karwana padega (Every day I read such nonsense about myself that I will now need to introduce me to myself formally).
Free Press Journal shared more screenshots from Kusha’s Instagram broadcast channel, in which she wrote, “Every time I read s*** about myself I just hope and pray ki meri mummy na padh le yeh aab. Unki social life has taken a big hit (hope my mother does not read it).” The last message appears to have been deleted as of now.
The rumours about Kusha Kapila and actor Arjun Kapoor started doing the rounds when a Reddit thread shared on Thursday, claimed that Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora have reportedly broken up and that the Ishaqzaade actor is now reportedly dating Kusha Kapila.
Notably, Kusha Kapila and her husband Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia got divorced earlier this year. Meanwhile, Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora, who have been dating for over 5 years now, have not addressed the rumours of their break up.