Bhubaneswar: Using air conditioner in November? Blame it on climate change that has resulted in an increase in the number of extremely hot days. And Odisha has topped this list ...
New Delhi: Rajpath resounded with cries of 'Save our planet!' as thousands of supporrter marched with eight-year-old Indian climate activist Licypriya Kangujam as part of the 'Great October March 2019' ...
Bhubaneswar: Denizens of Bhubaneswar came together recently to protest over climate inaction. More than 300 people walked from Ram Mandir Square to Master Canteen Square, performing and sloganeering about climate ...
The Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins will experience large scale uncertainty in rainfall and frequent floods by 2100 due to the effects of climate change, according to a report by ...
Ninety per cent of humans will perish in 31 years due to climate change, says Australia’s Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration (BNCCR), an independent climate research think-tank. “We must ...
Bhubaneswar: With extreme weather events becoming frequent in Odisha, it is imperative for leaders in the society to understand the phenomenon and inform others to spread awareness about climate change, ...
New Delhi: Greenhouse gases (GHGs) released by human activities contribute entirely for warming in India, showed a group of IIT Delhi scientists. The average temperature, they say, has risen by ...
Bhubaneswar: Around 300-400 years ago, Odisha's 16th century Vaishnav saint Achyutananda Das wrote in Malika Bachana that one day fishes would swim on the 22 stairs of Jagannath Temple in Puri. This prediction ...
Bhubaneswar: Emotions like love and desire are inseparable in a person’s life. Even in adverse circumstances, the need for belongingness and comfort with partner remains strong. These emotions have been ...