Malayalam actor Anil Nedumangad drowned while bathing in the Malankara dam in Kerala’s Thodupuzha on Friday evening. The 48-year-old actor, who was in Thodupuzha for the shooting of a film, ...
Jajpur: In a dreadful tragedy, a five-year-old boy met watery grave in a nullah at Raghunathpur village in Odisha's Jajpur district on Monday. The boy, from Erba panchayat area, has ...
Bhadrak: An infant was found drowned inside a rooftop water tank of a house at Mrugnayani village under Chandbali police limits in Bhadrak district. The mother of the nine-month-old, Mitarani ...
Khurda: A youth was drowned in Kushabhadra river at Balipatna in Khurda district on Tuesday. Witnesses said the deceased, Niranjan Barik, was bathing in the river in the morning when ...
Bhubaneswar: In a tragic incident, a woman bol bom devotee drowned in Kuakhai river near Bhubaneswar on Monday. The deceased has been identified as Bindisri Sahoo, a resident to Jharpara ...
Bhubaneswar: In a tragic incident, a minor boy drowned during swimming class at the swimming pool of a private club in Bhubaneswar on Tuesday. Sources said that Sekhar Sahu went ...
Puri: A youth drowned while bathing in a pond near Bali Harchandi Temple under Brahmagiri police limits in Odisha’s Puri district on Tuesday. The deceased has been identified as Rajendra ...