Mumbai: Facebook on Tuesday officially launched Collab, a music video app that will rival TikTok. Like TikTok, it lets users create short music videos by combining up to three independent ...
New Delhi: In a disturbing trend, more and more Indians have been found to be hiding their identity in social media profiles. In other words, they are using fake names, ...
Bhubaneswar: The enterprising and artistic Lanjia Saora tribal community will be showcased during the virtual tour of the State Tribal Museum from November 15 to 21. Videos, organized by ST&SC ...
New Delhi: The National Payments Corporation of India has allowed Facebook Inc. to start operating its WhatsApp payments service through the multibank Unified Payments Interface (UPI) in the country. In ...
San Francisco: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook has warned there could be civil unrest as votes are tallied in a US election that will be "a test" for the social ...
Washington: With the Presidential elections slated for November 3, social media giant Facebook is likely to initiate emergency measures to regulate viral content in case of "election-related conflicts and unrest ...
New Delhi: E-commerce giant Amazon has declined to appear before the joint parliamentary committee, canvassing the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, which amounts to "breach of privilege of parliament", sources ...
Shahjahanpur (Uttar Pradesh): A 30-year-old social worker in Uttar Pradesh’s Shahjahanpur city shared a suicide note on his Facebook account before consuming poison on Wednesday. Chandan Singh Verma claimed in ...
New Delhi: Facebook has decided to ban ads on its platform that discourage vaccinations, whereas advocacy ads about government vaccine policies will still run. The social media conglomerate has already ...
Bhubaneswar: Befriending someone on Facebook! Think twice as it could also be a fake account of someone you know. DIG (Intelligence) Anup Sahoo came across a fake account on Facebook ...