New Delhi: Superstar Rajnikanth has issued his first statement following his discharge from the hospital, where he underwent a planned medical procedure. In a note, he expressed gratitude to his well-wishers for their prayers, love and support during his recovery. Rajnikanth was admitted to Apollo Hospitals in Chennai on September 30 to address swelling in his aorta, which was treated using a non-surgical transcatheter method. Rajnikanth, who was discharged on Friday, shared a message on X in Tamil that translated to, “To all my political friends who wished me a speedy recovery, to all my film fraternity friends, to all my well-wishers, the press and media, my sincere thanks to you all. And to the fans who have made me, who keep me alive and love me immeasurably, praying for my well-being. I express my sincere gratitude to you all.”
Additionally, Rajnikanth thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amitabh Bachchan for their concern, saying, “My dear honourable Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji … my heartfelt thanks to you for your care and concern regarding my health and checking on me personally. Thank you @SrBachchan ji for your love and showing such warm concern towards me …truly touched.”