Bhubaneswar: Bengaluru police with the help of Chandrasekharpur police here on Saturday arrested three inter-state fraudsters, including two Odia youths, for duping job seekers to the tune of Rs 20 lakh on the pretext of providing government jobs.
According to sources, the accused had allegedly forged documents to defraud more than 60 job seekers in Bengaluru and Odisha, police sources said.
While two of those arrested are from Odisha, one is a resident of Pune. The trio was working in a software company in Bengaluru.
They were nabbed from an isolated place in the city.
A fraud case was lodged against them in Bengaluru in 2018 and police had declared them as ‘most wanted’ persons that year.
Bengaluru police would move the court for transit remand of the accused, sources added.