Haridwar: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat said that besides the guidelines issued by the Centre there will be no other restrictions on the tourists coming in the state to take the holy dip. Preparations are in full swing for the Kumbh Mela 2021 starting from April 1.
Kumbh Mela will be organised for a shorter span this year, from April 1 to 30. April will witness three ‘Shahi Snans’. All the 13 Akharas will take the holy dip on April 12 and 14, while Bairagi Akhara will take the holy dip on April 27.
According to the health arrangements, 100 teams have been formed for thermal screening while the number of teams performing the COVID-19 tests have been increased from 40 to 50. The number of ambulances have also been increased from 32 to 54. Also, a team of 100 doctors and 148 paramedical staff from Uttar Pradesh have also landed here.
Tents and toilets will be constructed and all the Mahamandleshwars will also be given necessary facilities, reported news agency IANS.
The Uttarakhand government had earlier mandated registrations of the saints attending the Kumbh. The devotees, however, will be required to get their RT-PCR test done 72 hours before taking part in the Kumbh. People tested negative will only be allowed.
It may be recalled that the Uttarakhand government had earlier issued standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the ashrams, dharamshalas, ghats, hotels, restaurants, guest houses, public vehicles, parking lots, railway station, bus stations, shops, etc.
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