[Watch] Did A Bird Actually Help In Unfurling The National Flag In Kerala?

New Delhi: India celebrates its Independence Day on August 15. People around the country took to social media to give glimpses of their celebrations on this special day. Among those, is a viral video claiming a bird helping a struck national flag to “unfurl”. However, the truth behind this “heartwarming” video is very different. It only appears that the bird is helping “unfurl” the stuck national flag due to the angle at which it was recorded.

Expectedly, the video prompted people to post various comments, with many calling the scene absolutely adorable. However, a few questioned the clip’s authenticity, including Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair. He shared a video showing how the bird doesn’t fly near the flagpole. It sits on a coconut tree behind the flag and has nothing to do with its unfurling.


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