New Delhi: Singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh took the Coachella stage by storm on Saturday. He is the first Punjabi singer to perform at the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival in Indio, California. Diljit looked wooed the audience by looking handsome in his black kurta and tamba, Punjab’s traditional outfit, during his performance. He also donned a turban and sunglasses to finish his look.
— DILJIT DOSANJH (@diljitdosanjh) April 16, 2023
Fans across the town flocked to the music festival to attend his live concert. While Diljit shared a clip from his performance, American DJ Diplo also took to Instagram to share a clip of himself grooving to Diljit’s live act. Coachella’s official Twitter handle also shared a glimpse of Diljit’s performance with their fans.
Diplo out here vibing to Diljit Dosanjh at Coachella
Love the vibe in this vid !— Prince (@princesoman9) April 16, 2023
Earlier, the singer had posted snippets from backstage as he prepped before his performance. In the pictures, he was seen donning a blue checked shirt and denims with a black hat. Fans of the singer were also proud of him as they dropped heartfelt comments on the posts. “Historic night in California and proud, inspiring, moment for Punjab and the entire diaspora worldwide,” wrote a fan. “Punjabi artist exhibiting Punjabi culture & bringing pride to our pagh (turban) – nothing better,” commented another. “This means so much to so many. Truly brings tears to the eyes. A God-gifted moment,” read another comment.
This year, the Coachella festival has a power-packed line-up including Pakistani singer and ‘Pasoori’ fame artist Ali Sethi. There will also be international acts from BLACKPINK, Kid Laroi, Charli XCX, Labrinth, Jai Wolf, Joy Crookes, Jai Paul, Frank Ocean, and Underworld.