New Delhi: Karan Johar dropped the teaser of the episode of ‘Koffee With Karan’ featuring Gauri Khan with her friends Maheep Kapoor and Bhavana Pandey of the ‘Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives’ fame. The promo began with Karan asking Gauri about the dating advice she gives to Suhana Khan, her daughter. To this, Gauri jokingly replies, “Never date two boys at the same time.”
KJo then asks Maheep which actor she would like to do a film with and she says she would look great with Hrithik Roshan. He also asks Bhavana which celebrity she thinks she should get a free pass with.
Karan later asks Gauri if her love story with SRK had to be given a film title, what would it be. Gauri answers ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’ and Karan agrees and says that they had a turbulent love story. Gauri also calls SRK during the ‘Hey Karan, it’s me round’.
Gauri Khan also recently dropped the trailer of her upcoming reality show ‘Dream Homes With Gauri Khan’. In the reality show, which she is hosting, Gauri will be giving a makeover to the homes and personal spaces of Katrina Kaif, Malaika Arora, Farah Khan and Manish Malhotra among others.
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