Paradip: A labourer was killed in a mishap during construction work at the refinery of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) in Odisha’s Paradip on Saturday.
As per information, the worker died after a piling pole fell on him when he was busy working. The deceased has been identified as Satyabrata Majhi of Kaliapata village under Kujang area in Jagatsinghpur district.
Majhi was reportedly working for a private agency, engaged in some construction work at the IOCL refinery.
The mishap took place while Majhi and other workers were laying the pilings at the construction site. When the work was underway, pole reportedly and fell on Majhi, causing him critical injuries.
Majhi was rescued by fellow workers and rushed to community health centre (CHC) at Atharabanki where doctors declared him dead.
The incident has triggered tension at the construction site, while efforts are underway to ascertain the circumstances that led to the mishap.