Denied Conjugal Rights By Varsha: Odia Actor-MP Anubhav In July Divorce Petition

Cuttack: A day after Ollywood actress Varsha Priyadarshini moved court alleging domestic violence, it has come to the fore that her husband and actor-turned-politician Anubhav Mohanty had already filed a divorce petition at Patiala Court in New Delhi on July 7, 2020.

In his petition, Anubhav said the couple had been living separately since May 2019.

He said that Varsha had been falsely accusing him of having affairs with his co-stars since 2016 and making unreasonable demands, which caused him mental stress.

The Kendrapada MP further said that she denied him his conjugal rights and had failed in her duties as a wife and daughter-in-law.

Shocking revelations:

•  Varsha did not allow Anubhav to establish a physical relationship on their first night after marriage and clearly told him that she is going to take, 3-4 months to get comfortable.

•  She told him that she feared the pain while thinking about having sexual intercourse and never allowed him to consummate their marriage.

•  After becoming the Member of Parliament in 2014, Anubhav started residing in New Delhi but she again refused to consummate their marriage.

•  Anubhav was very happy when Varsha promised consummate their marriage after returning to Cuttack but again she refused to have sex with him.

•  Varsha also preferred not to stay at her matrimonial home.

•  She promised him to set things right on his birthday on December 24, following which he decorated the entire house but in vain.

•  In 2015, she also did not attend the ‘Graha Pravesh’ puja at his Delhi house.

•  In June 2015, Anubhav got an opportunity’to visit the USA for a convention of Odias for two days and took Varsha along with him. Here too, she again refused to have sex just to harass and insult him.

•  Varsha used to abuse and insult Anubhav on very small things and always used to stay at her paternal house.

•  She never treated him as her husband and always tried to give him the mental and physical agony by living separately.

•  In 2016, she started making linking Anubhav with the other co-female actresses and also abused him. She always threatened to implicate him and his family in false cases.

•  She regularly insulted him in front of her family members.

•  Since May 1, 2019, they are not having cordial relations with each other.

•This is in complete contrast to what Varsha had alleged in her petition of being denied the rights of becoming a mother as Anubhav would always come home late in the night drunk. She has also accused him of having multiple affairs.

Also Read: Know The Allegations Made By Varsha Against Anubhav Here

Also Read: Ollywood Jodi No. 1 Splitsville: What It Could Mean For Anubhav & Varsha?

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