Mumbai: Veteran actor Naeem Sayyed, popularly known as Junior Mehmood, passed away at his home in Khar, Mumbai in the early hours of Friday after a battle with stomach cancer. He was 67.
The actor’s family confirmed his demise in a statement to media, which read, “Junior Mehmood passed away at 2:15 am at his residence. He was suffering from stomach cancer. May his eternal soul rest in peace.”
Two weeks ago, it was revealed that he was fighting stage 4 cancer and his condition reportedly worsened last night.
The actor worked in over 250 films in his career that spanned over five decades, He began his film career as a child artiste with Mohabbat Zindagi Hai (1966) and was known for his work in Caravan, Haathi Mere Saathi, Kati Patang, Mera Naam Joker, Parvarish, and Do Aur Do Paanch.