New Delhi: Allahabad High Court has reprimanded the makers of Adipurush for its dialogues that have been the reason for outrage in the country. The court has directed co-writer Manoj Muntashir Shukla to be included as a party in the case and issued a notice, requiring him to respond within a week. During the hearing of a petition seeking a ban on Adipurush, the court expressed concern about the nature of the film.
“The nature of dialogues in the film is a big issue. Ramayana is a paragon for us. People read Ramcharitmanas before leaving home,” the court said as per NDTV.
Considering the matter as a serious issue, the court questioned the actions taken by the censor board. Although the objectionable dialogues were reportedly removed from the film, the court demanded clarity on the board’s actions regarding the film’s content and scenes. The court asserted that removal alone would not suffice and sought further instructions, indicating the possibility of halting the film’s exhibition to provide relief to those whose sentiments were hurt.
The court also acknowledged media reports of people going to theatres and attempting to shut down the film but expressed gratitude that no acts of vandalism took place.