Bhubaneswar: DCP Prateek Singh on Tuesday said that police, in their investigation into the death of BJB College student Ruchika Mohanty during which 198 people have been questioned so far, had not come across any evidence of ragging yet.
Addressing a press conference in the state capital, Singh said that Ruchika’s cellphone would be sent to Singapore to retrieve data.
“We have recovered her mobile phone. It will be sent to Singapore to retrieve data without affecting critical information,” he added.
Singh said that police had so far questioned 198 students and hostel inmates of the college, friends, relatives and family members of Ruchika but were yet to come across any evidence of ragging. Police also questioned them if Ruchika was under depression.
Singh said that the investigation was ongoing and a phone number has been provided to the students to provide any information related to the case confidentially.
A psychologist and a counsellor have been roped in for the students being questioned by police, he added.
Rukhika, a Plus III, first-year student, was found hanging in her hostel room on July 2. A note found near her pointed to alleged ragging by three seniors that drove her to take the extreme step. But no names were mentioned in the note. Ruchika (19) was from Athagarh in Cuttack district.