Like they clear the sewers before rain comes I clear my thought before thought comes. The sky no more is blue in the city, clouds are no more black or...
It has been a week of hard baking sun, and my petunias are resplendent with snow white flowers, delicate petals fluttering in a warm afternoon breeze. I sit beside them...
"What can you say about a 34-year-old man who departed at his own appointed hour, of his own volition, of his own means to reach his own ends? That he...
You ask for happiness, it makes you contented. I ask for pain – it gives me motion, it gives direction, it keeps me dreaming. It gives me a reason. I...
Oceans, a living word for me, effervesces myriad images that can run the entire gamut of all the figures of speech of the language of my write. It is not...
Your lips tinged With the shade of vermilion I liked best Stand devoid of colour. Your eyes speaking More than your lips Are gesticulating a smile I try to trace...