Sundargarh: A major bank heist was foiled by police here on Tuesday. The bank robber, identified as Jayadev Nayak, turned out to be the son of a policeman. The accused was fleeing with Rs 15 lakh cash from Axis Bank, when police swung into action and nabbed him.
An armed man entered the bank around 2.30 pm and at gun point asked the staff at one of the counters to hand over cash, said Branch Manager, Axis Bank, Sundargarh, Lakheswar Maharana.
Soon after, he fled with whatever cash he could lay his hands on. On being informed, police rushed to the spot and gave the miscreant a chase. To avoid being caught, Nayak opened fire and the police retaliated. After a few rounds of firing from both sides, he was nabbed near Shankara Road, said SP Sagarika Nath. The cash and firearm of the accused has been seized, she added.
Jaydev is the son of ASI posted at Sundargarh Sadar police station. After looting the cash from an Axis Bank at gunpoint, the armed miscreant threatened a passerby and took away his motorcycle while trying to escape.