Berhampur: Ganjam collector Vijay Amruta Kulange on Thursday requested the people of the district to strictly follow the COVID-19 guidelines failing which he warned of the possibility of a new wave of infections.
While thanking the people for their support and efforts for the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases through a video message, he cautioned that the threat of Corona in Ganjam is not yet over and the danger still prevails.
“If you do not follow the guidelines, you will not only get infected, but also put your family members’ lives in peril,” the collector said.
He further said he has been observing that many people were flouting the protocol by not wearing masks while travelling in auto-rickshaws and buses or moving outside. Besides, some people are visiting markets without masks, he added.
It has been observed that shop-keepers are no longer following the norms. It will put them as well as the customers and their families at risk, he said.
He appealed to the people to seriously maintain social distancing norms and continue with the habit of wearing masks and hand washing.
“We have to maintain the habit of social distancing till a vaccine or a cure is available for COVID-19,” Kulange said.