New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha and actress Parineeti Chopra will get engaged on Saturday, May 13. The ceremony will be held in Delhi with around 150 close friends and family members in attendance, according to sources. Although the date for the wedding has not been finalised yet, it is expected to take place at the end of this year. The actor and the Rajya Sabha MP have been spotted together on numerous occasions, most recently at an Indian Premier League (IPL) match.
They were also clicked together on Sunday evening after they stepped out for a date night at a restaurant in Mumbai’s Bandra. Parineeti’s younger brother Shivang Chopra was also spotted with the couple.
The duo studied together at the London School of Economics. They have been seen together at Mumbai airport and a restaurant in the city in the past.
Parineeti Chopra made her debut with the movie Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl in 2011. She was last seen in Uunchai alongside Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher, Boman Irani, Danny Denzongpa, Neena Gupta, and Sarika. The actor will be seen next in Chamkila and Capsule Gill.