The cost of electricity in Odisha will be increased by 30 paise per unit in April. Did you know that by simply replacing your old fan, you can save tons of money and still beat the sweltering heat? Here’s how:
Now, if your ceiling fan is more than a decade old, chances are it consumes somewhere around 80 watts of power. A new 5-star rated fan consumes just 50 watts, while there’s also a fan that consumes around 28 watts! It is called a Brushless DC (BLDC) fan. Let’s look at the numbers.

As you can see, a BLDC fan will save you a little more than ₹1500 per year. This means you can recover the cost of a new fan in just two years.
Most BLDC fans cost ₹3000-4000 while 5-star normal fans cost less. If your usage is less, then you can opt for the latter and still save money.
Brands available:
While 5-star normal fans are made by every fan-maker like Crompton, Usha, Havells, Orient, etc., BLDC fans are somewhat new in the market and you can find those mostly online from Atomberg, Superfan, Crompton, etc. BLDC fans also have the advantage of being operated by remote controls.
What about pedestal and table fans?
Yes, there are BLDC pedestal and table fans too. Replace those if your usage is high.
What to do with the old fans?
You can sell or donate the old fans. If you have a place where you need to use a fan sparingly, then you can fix it there.
Last but not the least
The environment will also thank you. Saving 50 watts per hour is roughly 50 kg of CO2 saved per year.