Berhampur: Ganja smuggling in the city was unearthed on Tuesday when a small boy was nabbed by the staff of Berhampur Sub-Collector. He was carrying ganja filled cigarettes in a bag.
During investigation, the boy disclosed that he had brought the bag from one Bapu Sahu in Kalu Patra Sahi.
The staff of the sub-collector immediately raided the rented house of Sahu and found huge quantity of ganja along with ganja-filled cigarettes from the spot. On being informed, the Excise officials seized the contraband and arrested Sahu.
According to preliminary investigation, Sahu, who was staying in the rented house with his family, was in the business of selling ganja-filled cigarettes for the last four years. He was earning Rs 1200 to Rs 1500 per day, Sahu confessed.
The officers are investigating the details of the ganja racket in the Silk City, the source of ganja procurement and how Sahu was marketing the contraband.