New Delhi: Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar’s trend of giving expensive gifts to actor Jacqueline Fernandez continues even from jail. He has reportedly gifted her a yacht named after her for her birthday. In a letter to Jacqueline, who is celebrating her birthday on Sunday, Sukesh revealed that the yacht, named “Lady Jacqueline,’ was the same one she selected back in 2021. Sukesh assured her that the yacht would be delivered this month, with all taxes paid, making it fully legitimate, News18 reported.
In a heartfelt letter to Jacqueline Fernandez, Sukesh Chandrashekhar expressed his deep affection and admiration for the actress on her birthday, the report said. Addressing her as “My Baby Girl, My Bomma,” Sukesh wished Jacqueline a very happy birthday, blessing her with success, health, and all her desires for the year. He expressed that despite being apart, their thoughts and souls remain connected, the report added.