New Delhi: Union Minister for Education Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ announced that the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE – Mains) will be conducted four times in 2021. The minister said this during an online interaction with parents, teachers and students on Thursday.
Reports suggest that the test will be held every month from February to May 2021 in order to provide candidates with enough flexibility.
The aspirants will have the option of choosing to appear in one or all of the tests and the highest score among all the appearances will be considered for the rank list and admissions, reports suggested.
According to Pokhriyal, the syllabus for the examination will remain the same. However, a proposal to allow the students to answer 75 questions out of the total 90 is under consideration.
During JEE 2020 (Mains), the candidates were required to answer 75 questions — 25 questions each in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.