Nayagarh: Hours after he went missing following alleged denial of permission to appear in the annual HSC examination on Friday in Dasapalla area of Nayagarh district, was rescued. He was sitting under a tree in the area.
The student was allegedly denied permission to appear in the HSC examination, which began in Odisha on Friday, for not wearing uniform.
The student, identified as Pradip Nayak of Radhamadhab Nodal High School at Daspalla, did not return home after being denied entry into the examination centre. His family members lodged a complaint at Daspalla police station.
Police launched a search for the student. Hours later, local people found him sitting under a mango tree and crying. They later handed over the boy to police.
Dasapalla Block Edication Officer Raj Kishore Maharana denied having received any such complaint in this regard.