New Delhi: Nagesh Kukunoor is all set to direct a crime series set in the backdrop of the gruesome assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi that shook the nation in 1991. Production house Applause Entertainment is making a visual adaptation of writer Anirudhya Mitra’s recently launched book – ‘Ninety Days: The True Story of the Hunt for Rajiv Gandhi’s Assassin’.
It will be an investigation drama that would follow CBI’s special investigation team’s effort to unearth the perpetrators, News18 reported. Anirudhya Mitra, a former journalist, played a key role in breaking several exclusive stories during the time period.
“Driven and guided by our values of being ambitious, audacious and disruptive, we believe the adaptation of Anirudhya Mitra’s book certainly makes for a compelling story to tell. Most are aware of this incident through the medium of news and will now get a dramatized insider view of the largest manhunt in Indian history. We are pleased to once again collaborate with director Nagesh Kukunoor to bring this gut-wrenching story to a contemporary audience,” Sameer Nair, CEO of Applause Entertainment was quoted as saying.
Director Nagesh Kuknoor is extremely excited to work on the project and stated, “I look forward to taking on this gritty and thrilling piece of storytelling, adapted from Ninety Days: The True Story of the Hunt for Rajiv Gandhi’s Assassin’. It has always been an enriching and creatively satisfying experience collaborating with Applause Entertainment and excited to see how this one unfolds.”
“With Ninety Days: The True Story of the Hunt for Rajiv Gandhi’s Assassin’ I’ve tried to provide the most definitive account of the biggest manhunt launched in India. The audio-visual format enables the story’s numerous facets and layers to be presented in a more nuanced and engrossing manner. With Applause Entertainment’s reputation for passionate storytelling and Nagesh Kukunoor’s directorial; expertise, I’m confident that an exciting series lies ahead of us,” author Anirudhya Mitra was quoted as saying.