Hyderabad: After actor-filmmaker Dhanush, the makers of 2005 blockbuster movie ‘Chandramukhi’ have sued lady superstar Nayanthara for ‘unauthorised’ usage of video clips from the film in her Netflix documentary.
The filmmakers have slapped a legal notice on both Nayanthara and streaming giant Netflix, demanding a compensation of Rs 5 crore, as per a report in Hindustan Times.
Nayanthara’s documentary titled “Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale” revolves around the actress’ love affair with director Vignesh Shivan and how they finally tied the knot. The documentary, which includes some glimpses of their grand affair, features snippets from the actress’ popular movies.
Actor Chitra Lakshmanan, who shares exclusive cinema updates on his YouTube channel, revealed that the makers of ‘Chandramukhi’ are upset with Nayanthara because she used the video clips from the film without their permission.
Earlier, ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ producer Dhanush had taken a legal action against Nayanthara for using video clips from the film without his permission.
However, Nayanthara’s lawyer dismissed the allegations and stated that the video clips were from the actress’ personal library and thus, there was no copyright infringement.
Nayanthara also took to social media platform to call out Dhanush for not allowing her to use the video clips in her documentary and making her wait for permission.
Nayanthara had delivered an impressive performance as Durga in the 2005 Tamil classic ‘Chandramukhi’, which also featured Rajinikanth and Jyotika.
Meanwhile, there has been no response from Nayanthara regarding the legal notice from the ‘Chandramukhi’ makers.