Bhubaneswar: The Odisha vigilance has arrested Manoj Kumar Behera, Executive Engineer, Drainage Division, Gandarpur, Cuttack. for allegedly amassing over 4.26 crore, which is 509 per cent disproportionate to his known sources of income.
During the raids in Cuttack and Bhubaneswar, Rs 6,17,460 in cash was recovered from his house, which included Rs 75,500 stashed in the vegetable tray of his refrigerator. This part, Rs.1,83,500 was recovered from a locker in PNB Bhubaneswar Branch, and another Rs.1,02,000 from the locker in SBI, Gandarpur Branch, Cuttack.
>> Gold weighing 1.546 kg worth over Rs.62.04 lakh
>> A palatial double-storeye building at Mahanadi Vihar, Cuttack
>> A flat No.C/51 at Utkal Heights, Pahala, Bhubaneswar.
>> Six plots in prime area of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar
i) 1 plot at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, worth Rs.44 lakh
ii) 1 plot at Mahanadi Vihar, Cuttack, worth Rs.8.64 lakh
iii) 2 plots at Jagamara-38, Bhubaneswar worth Rs.20.90 lakh in the name of his wife Debasmita Behera
iv) 1 plot at Anantapur-8, Bhubaneswar, worth Rs.12.42 lakhs in the name of his wife Debasmita Behera
v) 1 Plot at Bhanapur, Cuttack, worth Rs.9.20 lakh in the name of his wife Debasmita Behera
Valuation of the plots as per Regd Sale Deed comes to Rs.95.16 lakh, though suspected to have been undervalued, an official release said.
>> Fixed deposits, bank and insurance deposits worth Rs.31 lakh
>> One four-wheeler and a two-wheeler
>> Household articles worth over Rs.11.37 lakh.