Bhubaneswar: The Vigilance on Friday arrested Chief Engineer, Odisha State Pollution Control Board, Rabi Narayana Prusty for possessing property disproportionate to his known sources of income.
On Thursday, the Vigilance had carried out simultaneous raids at seven locations in Bhubaneswar and Ganjam including Prusty’s office for allegedly accumulating assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.
During the raid, he was found possessing movable and immovable properties worth crores. The vigilance traced bank, insurance and bond deposits worth Rs 89.46 lakhs and gold ornaments weighing 355 grams.
Assets unearthed so far:
1. 1 flat at Patia, Bhubaneswar
2. 1 flat at Puri
3. 1 flat at Grand Bazaar, Nakhara
4. 1 shop at Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar
5. 3 plots at Khurda and Bhubaneswar
6. Bank deposits worth Rs 70 lakh
7. one four-wheeler, two two-wheelers
8. 355-gram gold jewellery
“ We strongly suspect that investments have been made by Prusty outside the State in real estate, including benami properties, which are under verification. Moreover, bank statements collected during searches are under scrutiny by chartered accountant and bank consultant,” said an official.