Mumbai: The Mumbai Traffic Police have received a threatening message via WhatsApp, demanding Rs 5 crore from actor Salman Khan to resolve enmity with Lawrence Bishnoi.
“Don’t take it lightly, if Salman Khan wants to stay alive and wants to end the enmity with Lawrence Bishnoi, then he will have to pay Rs 5 crore. If the money is not given, Salman Khan’s condition will be worse than Baba Siddique,” ANI reported, quoting the message.
Reports said that the Mumbai Police is working to track the origins of the message and have increased security around Salman’s Bandra residence.
On Thursday, the Navi Mumbai police apprehended a member of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, identified as Sukha alias Sukhbir Balbir Singh, from Haryana’s Panipat in connection with an alleged plot to assassinate the Bollywood actor.