Pink Pigeon Spotted In Manchester; Was It Dyed?

New Delhi: People feeding pigeons were not quite prepared to see a pink one in their midst in the UK’s Bury town centre. The bird was spotted accepting food from the locals as well as on rooftops in the area, BBC reported.

In fact, Greater Manchester Police said some of its officers have also come across the “rare pink pigeon in the town centre.” The post on Facebook read, “Officers are out on foot patrol this afternoon as part of #OpHeartbeat Officers quickly came across a rare pink pigeon in the town centre. Have you seen Burys Pink Pigeon yet? Let us know & come and say hi when you spot us.”

Many locals were speculating if the mystery bird has been dyed, fallen into something or is naturally pink, the media outlet said.

A user wrote on X, “Has anyone else seen this pink pigeon in Bury and does anyone know why it is pink?!”

Samantha Brown, 43, told BBC, “I saw someone give it a chip. Everyone’s wondering why it’s pink but it adds a bit of colour to the place.” She adds, “I think it’s being dyed but who knows?”

Earlier, a pink pigeon was rescued in New York City after it was dyed bright pink for a gender reveal party.

It was discovered in Manhattan’s Madison Square Park showing signs of malnutrition. The bird was rescued and taken to the Wild Bird Fund for treatment.

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