New Delhi: Continuing his tradition of wearing headgears from different states and cultures on Republic Day, this time, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is wearing a cap from Uttarakhand along with ‘Brahmakamal’, the state flower of Uttarakhand. He uses ‘Brahmakamal’ flower whenever he performs ‘pooja’ at Kedarnath.
The prime minister is also wearing a stole from Manipur. He is often seen wearing a ‘gamchha’ mask, inspired by the traditional Manipuri handwoven stole called the ‘Leirum Phi’, during his addresses. The white, black and red woven cloth is a leitmotif of the Metei tribe in Manipur.
In 2021, the PM sported a colourful ‘Halari pagh’ (royal head turban), gifted to him by Jamnagar Royal Family for the event.
In 2020, he wore a saffron bandhej headgear with a tail. In 2019, he had worn a yellowish-orange turban with a red tail.